School tours for the 2023-24 school year have concluded.
Questions? Please contact the Main Office for more information.
Registration forms for PVES are now available in the main office.
To find out whether you live within our school’s attendance boundary, please enter your home address at the following link: School Attendance Boundary
Age Requirements
Kindergarten: Must be FIVE by September 1
Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK): UTK is available for all children who will have their 4th birthday on/by September 1st of the upcoming school year. Please contact the school office for more information (424) 228-1800.
Registration Requirements
To register your child you will need the following – ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ONLY. All documentation must be current and identify the parent or legal guardian as the resident.
1. Proof of Age
ONE of the following:
- Birth Certificate (NOT hospital certificate)
- Baptismal Certificate
- Passport
2. Proof of Residence
ONE of the following:
- Current Utility Bill (gas, electric, water) showing address (NO telephone bills)
- Rental or Lease Agreement
- Property Tax Papers
- Copy of Escrow Papers (if purchasing)
3. Immunization Requirements
- Immunization Records – Your child’s Immunization Card is required from your child’s doctor, pediatrician or primary care physician. This card contains a list of all of the immunizations your child has received.
According to the California State Law, the following immunizations are required for your child (T-K and K-5th grade).
- 4 POLIO (last dose after age 4)
- 5 DTP (last dose after age 4)
- 2 MMR (both after age 1)
- 1 VARICELLA (Chicken Pox – if the child had the disease Doctor needs to stamp the card)
Please bring proof of physical exam by doctor and Hepatitis A Immunization if available.