
Every day a student is absent results in a missed opportunity for learning, as well as a loss of resources for students, schools, and classrooms. LAUSD’s goal is for students to have no more than 7 absences throughout the year. This means having no more than 1 absence per 25 days of instruction.

When your child has been absent please:

1. Send your child to school the next day with a note that has your child’s name, reason for the absences, the date of the absence, and your signature.
2. Please give the note to your child’s teacher.
3. Any absence that is five days or longer also requires a note from the doctor before they can be readmitted to school.

LAUSD Policy regarding absences:

Dear Playa Vista Parents,

LAUSD student attendance goal: 75+% of students to be present 96+% for the 2018-19 school
year (180 days). This means we want most of our students missing no more than 7 days of

Attendance Tips:

  • Mark your calendars, so you know the school schedule – avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.
  • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine.
  • Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up – call on a family member, a neighbor, or another parent.
  • Don’t let your child stay home unless they are truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.
  • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to their teacher, Mrs. Johnson, or other parents for advice on how to make him or her feel comfortable and excited about learning.

Every student every day counts. Reducing unnecessary absences is a great way to support our school and to support your child’s education. Absences this semester at Playa Vista will translate to well over $120,000 in lost revenue.

Reminders: If your child is absent, please write a note to give to their teacher and include the
following: 1) child’s name, 2) date(s) of absence, 3) reason for absence, 4) your signature. If you
see a healthcare provider during school hours, be sure to ask for a “Return to School Note”.

Thank you,

Michael Hudson, LCSW
LAUSD Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor